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Priority Services Register

What is the Priority Services Register?

  • The Priority Services Register (PSR) is free to join. It helps energy companies* like us to look after customers who have extra communication, access or safety needs. It helps us tailor our services to support households who may need extra help.

  • The PSR promise is made by all participating energy companies in England, Wales and Scotland. We promise to only share details as agreed with you, about your personal situation with our trusted partners/parties** so they can tailor their services to help you.

  • By sharing your details with trusted partners/parties, you’ll get extra support when you need it. For example, some customers depending upon their circumstances, may be given priority if there’s a power cut. We will always follow privacy laws and your PSR information will never be used for marketing.

  • Once you’ve joined, you may be contacted to make sure your details are accurate and up to date. This will make sure we can give you the best support for your needs.

  • If anything about your situation changes you can tell your energy company and they’ll update your details. If you don’t want to be on the PSR anymore, just ask to be removed and they’ll do this for you.

  • If you want to know more about the PSR, speak with your energy company, or you can visit their website.

* Energy companies include gas and electricity suppliers, the networks companies who transport energy to your home and meter operators.

** Partners/parties include trusted charities, such as the British Red Cross, who may assist during incident situations to support companies in safeguarding you and other household members.

Who can be on the Priority Services Register?

  • People of pensionable age

  • People with a disability or impairment

  • People with a chronic illness or long-term medical condition (such as conditions causing reduced or limited vision, hearing or mobility)

  • A household with young children

  • People who are vulnerable for other reasons

What can we do to help if you are on the register?

  • You can get advanced warning of planned interruptions of supply from your distributor, giving you more time to make other arrangements for your safety and wellbeing such as back-up power sources for critical medical equipment.

  • We can send you billing information (and other important information) in formats more suitable to your situation (for example braille bills, large print, audio bills).

  • We can use a password system so you can ensure any people we send to visit your home (such as meter readers) really come from us.

  • You can nominate someone you know and trust to handle or help handle your account and receive all your communications from us.

  • We can move your meter for free if you cannot access it safely and easily.

  • We can arrange special meter readings for you at appropriate intervals if there is no one in your home who can read the meter.

  • We can consider other services that are appropriate for you and practical for us to provide.

How do I get on the Priority Services Register?

To put yourself on the Priority Services Register you can:

  • Give us a call

  • Drop us an email

  • Log on to your account at, click on the ‘Account Settings’ link and then ‘Priority Services Register’ and fill in the details.

If you have any questions regarding the Priority Services Register, what we can do to help, or your eligibility, you can contact us using one of the methods set out above.

Sainsbury's Energy is a trading name used under license by E.ON Next Energy Limited. Registered office: Westwood Way, Westwood Business Park, Coventry CV4 8LG. Registered in England and Wales, No 03782443.

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