Legal Policies
to help customers

Legal Policies
to help customers
Guaranteed Standards of Performance
Sainsbury’s Energy aims to provide you with excellent customer service, all the time.We outline what that means for us in our Treating Customers Fairly Statement.
In addition to the high levels of service we set for ourselves, Ofgem, the Gas and Electricity Regulator sets levels of service with which every Gas and Electricity Supplier must meet. These levels of service are known as ‘Guaranteed Standards’.
These Guaranteed Standards cover things such as appointments, meter faults, and reconnection.If we fail to meet these Guaranteed Standards we are required to financially compensate you. This compensation is known as the ‘Guaranteed Standard Payment’.
The Guaranteed Standards also apply to your gas and electricity network company. If they fail to meet the Guaranteed Standards, for example, if you lose supply or they fail to provide a connection to your property we are required to pass on Guaranteed Standard Payments from them.
It is part of our Guaranteed Service Level obligation to pass these payments on to you within a set period. If we don’t pass on these payments within the set period, we have to make a payment to you.
We don’t have to make Guaranteed Standards Payments where we reasonably believe we have met the relevant service levels or where certain circumstances occur or have occurred.
Examples of the Guaranteed Standards as they Apply to Us
If we need to make an appointment to come to your house, we will try to offer you a time within a 4-hour period and between 8am and 8pm, Monday to Friday, or 9am to 5pm on a Saturday, Sunday or bank holiday (note that a limited service may only be available on these non-weekdays or public holidays).
Where you have requested an appointment to take place on a particular date or time we will offer you an appointment within a 2-hour period to take place between 8am and 8pm, Monday to Friday, or 9am to 5pm on a Saturday, Sunday or bank holiday (note that a limited service may only be available on these non-weekdays or public holidays).
If, within an unreasonable time of you requesting an appointment, we fail to arrange an appointment to take place within a reasonable period, we will pay you £30.
We’ll also pay you £30 for any missed appointments, or where we cancel or rearrange any appointment with less than one working days’ notice.
These Guaranteed Standards apply to residential and small business customers.
Credit Meter Faults
If you’ve told us that you think your credit meter isn’t working properly (and you haven’t lost supply), or circumstances are such that we could be reasonably expected to consider meter accuracy might be an issue with your property, within 5-working days of your contacting us, we will:
undertake an initial assessment (for example, discuss with you ways you can investigate further yourself, such as, entering meter reads more frequently). If we fail to do so we will pay you £30.00.
each time we fail to explain the probable reason for your concern (or the probable reason for the issues we could reasonably have been expected to have been caused by meter inaccuracy) and we don’t offer to send a contractor to visit your property to investigate we will pay you £30.00; or
each time we don’t email you regarding the explanation for the probable reasons for your concern within 5 working days pay you £30.00.
Erroneous transfers
The vast majority of customers who want to change supplier do so without any problems, but sometimes problems can occur. An ‘erroneous transfer’ is when a supplier incorrectly takes over a customer’s supply without their permission. Where we have agreed with your old supplier that you have transferred to us without a valid contract, you will receive £30 in compensation. This standard applies to domestic customers only, for switches initiated on or after 1 May 2020. We will resolve erroneous transfer within 20 working days of your initial contact. You will receive £30 in compensation from each supplier if this does not happen. Within 20 working days of your initial contact, the supplier you contacted will either confirm that you’ll be returned to your old supplier via the erroneous transfer process, or will provide a statement of the outcome of the investigation if we’ve agreed with the other supplier that no erroneous transfer has taken place. You’ll receive £30 in compensation from the supplier you contacted if this doesn’t happen. When it’s been confirmed that an erroneous transfer has taken place, your supply will be returned to the old supplier within 21 working days of the erroneous transfer being agreed. You’ll receive £30 in compensation from the old supplier if this doesn’t happen. These standards apply to domestic customers only, for switches initiated on or after 1 May 2019.
We will not compensate if:
If we agree with your old supplier that the erroneous transfer happened because of fraud.
If we do not have enough contact details to get in touch with you and we do not have a payment method for compensation payment. We will guarantee that we will do our best to contact you for your details and will notify you of the compensation due.
Final bills
If we close your account because you have changed to another supplier, we will send you a final bill within 6 weeks of the switch date. If we close your account because we no longer have responsibility for supplying you because you’ve switched to another supplier, moved out of the property or the meter has been removed, we’ll send you a final bill within 6 weeks of the date you switched away, move out or have the meter removed or the date we receive notification of these – whichever is later. You will receive £30 in compensation if we do not. This standard applies to domestic customers only, for supplies ending on or after 1 May 2020.
We will not compensate if:
If there is a formal dispute about the final bill.
If a correct address (postal or electronic) has not been provided either to allow us to send the final bill or because of which the final bill doesn’t arrive.
If the final bill is in respect of your transferring to us under an Ofgem supplier of last resort direction given within three months before you then switch to a new supplier.
Credit balances
If we close your account because you’ve changed to another supplier, we’ll return any credit balance on your account within 10 working days of issuing your final bill. You’ll receive £30 in compensation if we don’t. This standard applies to domestic customers only, for switches initiated on or after 1 May 2019.
Where you agree to a contract with us, we will switch your supply within 15 working days of the switch being agreed and we have all the information needed to complete it. You will receive £30 in compensation if we do not. This standard applies to domestic customers only, for switches initiated on or after 1 May 2020.
The compensation will not apply if:
If you have withdrawn a request to transfer your supply after the transfer has been completed in line with a term in the contract with your new supplier or because of some other legal requirement.
There are insufficient details to proceed with your signup. We will contact you to fulfil the information needed
If your current supplier objects to your switch transfer for various reasons
Timing and Payment of Guaranteed Standards Payment
If we have to make a payment where we’ve failed a service standard, we’ll do so within 10-working days of the failure. If we don’t, we’ll pay you another £30 within 10-working days. Where you request payment by a particular method, we won’t refuse this unless it’s unreasonable.
Reconnection after Disconnection for Non-payment of a Debt
We’ll pay £30 if we fail to reconnect you within 24 hours of you paying your outstanding bill(s) or setting up a payment plan with us, plus the costs of disconnection and reconnection. These costs include the fees we charge for disconnection and reconnection (see our schedule of fees) plus a security deposit where required by us (as long as it’s reasonable for us to request one).
Note that if you make payment outside of working hours (8am to 8pm, Monday to Friday; 9am to 5pm on any other day, including bank holidays), the 24-hour period begins at the beginning of the next day.
Payment from Electricity Distributors or Gas Transporters
Where your electricity distributor or gas transporter has to pay you compensation (for example, because of a power cut or loss of supply that’s their fault), we’ll pass on any money given to us within 10-working days of receipt.If we fail to do this, we’ll pay you £30.Details on standards of performance you can expect from your Electricity Distributor or Gas Transporter are below.
Exceptions to Payments
These guaranteed standards are subject to some exceptions. We’re not obliged to pay you:
in respect of appointments, if we gave you at least one working days’ notice that we wouldn’t be able to keep the appointment;
if we visit your property to disconnect it because you owe us money;
where there is a genuine dispute between us as to whether we are obliged to make the payment (until such time as that dispute is resolved);
if you tell us you don’t wish us to take action, or further action, in relation to any of these standards;
if you agree that actions we did take within the relevant time may be treated as complying with actions required by the guaranteed standards (despite the fact that we may not have complied fully, or at all);
if you complained or informed us outside of normal business hours for our call centre or to an address or telephone number that is not the number advertised on our website;
where it was not reasonably practicable for us to comply because:
of severe weather;
of an action or default on the part of someone who is not our employee, agent or officer (or a person acting on behalf of their agent);
we cannot obtain access to your property;
we reasonably think it would breach the law;
emergency regulations are in force; or
exceptional circumstances exist beyond our control;
and in each case, we had taken all reasonable steps to prevent those circumstances occurring and having that effect on our ability to comply.
where we reasonably consider that information you give us is frivolous or vexatious;
you have tampered with or damaged your meter or associated equipment.
If you disagree and cannot reach agreement with us about whether you should receive a payment, you may refer the case to the Ofgem, to request a formal decision.In line with Section 39(4) of the Electricity Act 1989, any guaranteed standard payments you receive will not prejudice your entitlement to any other remedy or action that may be open to you because of our failure.
Guaranteed Standards of Performance for metered demand customers of electricity distribution companies in England, Wales & Scotland
The following sets out the guaranteed standards that apply to your electricity distribution company, which owns the electricity wires and cables by which electricity is supplied to your premises.The identity of your electricity distribution company can be found on your electricity bill.Ofgem, the industry regulator, sets the guaranteed standards. If the electricity distribution company fails to meet these standards you (“you” being a domestic or non-domestic customer) are entitled to receive a payment. The distribution company can either make payments via Sainsbury’s Energy or directly to you.Sometimes the guaranteed standards may not apply due to events beyond the distribution company’s control, such as the actions of third parties, being unable to gain access to premises or its own equipment, being unable to identify the customers affected by supply interruptions and in some cases severe weather. If any of these exemptions are invoked, the distribution company will need to demonstrate that it had taken all reasonable steps to prevent the exceptional circumstances occurring and to prevent failure. If you are a supplied via a landlord’s private cable or a private network (i.e. one that is not operated under an electricity distribution licence), these standards do not apply.
Guaranteed Standards
Regulation 5 - Supply Restoration during Normal Weather
If your electricity supply fails during normal weather conditions because of a problem on its distribution system, the distribution company will restore it within 12 hours of first becoming aware of the problem.If it fails, it will arrange for you to receive £75 if you are a domestic consumer or £150 if you are a business consumer. You will also receive a further £35 for each additional 12 hours you are without supply.
Regulation 6 - Supply Restoration during Normal Weather – Incidents affecting 5,000 customers or more
If your electricity supply fails during normal weather conditions because of a single incident on its distribution system affecting 5,000 premises or more, your distribution company will restore it within 24 hours of first becoming aware of the problem.If it fails, it will arrange for you to receive £75 if you are a domestic consumer or £150 if you are a business consumer. You will also receive a further payment of £35 for each additional 12-hour period that you are off supply up to a maximum of £300.
Regulation 7 - Supply Restoration during Severe Weather
If your electricity supply fails because of a problem on the distribution system due to severe weather your distribution company will restore it within the period prescribed by the Regulations dependent upon the scale of the event:
Category of severe weather | Definition |
Category 1 (medium events) | Lightning events - when a distributor experiences at least 8 times the normal amount of higher voltage faults in 1 day – supplies will be restored within 24 hours Non-lightning events - when a distributor experiences 8 or more but fewer than 13 times the normal amount of higher voltage faults in 1 day – supplies will be restored within 24 hours |
Category 2 (large events) | Non-lightning events - when a distributor experiences at least 13 times the normal amount of faults in 1 day – supplies will be restored within 48 hours |
Category 3 (very large events) | For severe weather events affecting a very large number of customers as specified in the Regulations – supplies will be restored within a period as calculated using a formula based on the number of customers affected as set out in the Regulations |
If it fails, the distribution company will arrange for you to receive £70 (for both domestic and business consumers). You will also receive a further £70 for each additional 12 hours you are without supply. The maximum payment you will receive is £700. These payments will be made as soon as reasonably practicable.
Regulation 8 - Rota Disconnections
On very rare occasions there may be supply shortages in your locality and your electricity supply may need to be interrupted on a rota basis in order to share the available load. The distribution company aims to minimize the amount of time that your supply would be affected in such cases. It will at any rate ensure a total of no more than 24 hours without electricity during the period covered by a rota disconnection event. If you are without supply for a period before it commences rota disconnections, this would be covered by Regulations 5, 6 or 7 as appropriate.If it fails it will arrange for you to receive £75 if you are a domestic consumer or £150 if you are a business consumer.
Regulation 10 - Multiple Interruptions
If your electricity supply fails because of a problem on the distribution system and you are without power for three hours or more, on four or more different occasions in any single year (12-month period) starting on 1 April, you are entitled to a £75 payment. You must make a valid claim to your distribution company for this payment within three months of the end of the year to which the claim applies. In order for your claim to be verified you will need to provide the address of the premises affected and the dates of the electricity supply failures. Incidents for which a payment has already been made cannot be included in your claim.
Regulation 11 - Distributor’s Fuse
If you report information that leads the distribution company to believe that the main fuse between the incoming supply cable and your meter has or might have failed, it will attend your premises within 3 hours on weekdays if you notify it between 7am and 7pm. At weekends and bank holidays it will attend within 4 hours if you contact it between 9am and 5pm. If you notify it outside these times, it will treat your call as if it had received it at the start of the next day.If the distribution company fails, it will arrange for you to receive a £30 payment.
Regulation 12 - Notice of Planned Supply Interruption
If the distribution company needs to switch off your power to work our network for planned maintenance work, it will give you at least 2 days’ notice. This is normally a letter delivered to the address held on its records (It will always give as much notice of a planned interruption as possible, even if it knows it’s already failed the standard).If the distribution company fails to give 2 days’ notice or it switches your electricity off on a different day, then you can claim (within 1 month of the failure) £30 if you are a domestic consumer or £60 if you are a business consumer.
Regulation 13 - Voltage Complaints
If you report a problem with the voltage of the electricity to your premises, your distribution company will send you an explanation within 5 working days or offer to visit you to investigate within 7 working days. Should a customer call after 4pm on a working day the enquiry will be treated as being received the following day.If the distribution company fails, it will arrange for you to receive a £30 payment.
Regulation 17 - Appointments
Should the distribution company need to visit you, or should you request a visit from it for any reason, you will be offered an appointment during the morning or afternoon or within a two-hour time band. As of 1st October 2010, this standard does not apply to visits arising out of the application of the Electricity (Connection Standards of Performance) Regulations 2015.If your distribution company fails to make or keep an appointment it will arrange for you to receive a £30 payment.
Regulation 19 - Notification of Payment under Guaranteed Standards
Your distribution company will notify you, or your supplier, of any guaranteed standards that it has to meet (other than those for which you have to make a claim for payment). In any case, it will send your payment either directly to you or to your electricity supplier within 10 working days of becoming aware of the failure except in the case of Regulation 7 - Supply Restoration during Severe Weather - when it will issue payment as soon as is reasonably practicable.If your distribution company fails to make the required payment to you or your supplier, within the above timescales, it will arrange for you to receive an additional £30.
Making a Claim for Payment
Should you wish to make a claim under Regulation 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 or 12, please phone your distribution company for details of how to claim on the general enquiries number listed in the section on “Contacting your Electricity Distributor”. If you make a claim outside the hours listed, your claim will be treated as if you had called on the next working day.If you disagree and cannot reach agreement with your distribution company about whether you should receive a payment, you may refer the case to Ofgem, the independent regulator, for the electricity industry, to request a formal decision.
Metered Connections Guaranteed Standards of Service for Electricity Distribution Companies in England, Wales & Scotland
This summarises the Electricity (Connection Standards of Performance) Regulations 2015 No.698 (in relation to metered demand connections) and the Direction under Distribution Licence Condition 15A (in relation to generation connections).
Ofgem, the industry regulator, sets the guaranteed standards. If your distribution company fails to meet these standards you (“you” being a domestic or non-domestic customer) are entitled to receive a payment.
Sometimes the guaranteed standards may not apply including under exceptional circumstances, events beyond your distribution company’s control, industrial action, actions of third parties or not being able to gain access to premises. If any of these exemptions are invoked, the distribution will need to demonstrate that it had taken all reasonable steps to prevent the circumstances occurring and to prevent failure.
These standards do not apply:a. Where some of the connections work is to be carried out by an independent connections provider. Separate service standards and compensation arrangements apply for the aspects we undertake.b. Where reinforcement is required due to the installation of approved equipment (such as small-scale generation) at domestic premises or small businesses where no modification to the physical connection is required and no connection charge is made.Where a new demand connection includes the installation of a single small-scale generation unit (SSEG), the relevant demand standards will apply. Where a new demand application includes the installation of multiple SSEG generation or large-scale (G59) generation, the relevant generation standards will apply.
Connection Guaranteed Standards
Your distribution company guarantees its key connection services. The guarantees apply to new or modified connections. However, please note that works solely associated with moving a customer’s meter are only included within the scope of ‘modified connections’ for the purposes of Budget Estimates, Quotations and the Quotation Accuracy Scheme.
Provision of Budget Estimates
If you ask your distribution company for a desk-top budget estimate of connection costs that does not require a visit, it will provide this within the following timescales from when you have given it all the information that it needs and paid it any applicable fees.
If the required capacity of the connection is less than 1MVA, it will provide the budget estimate within 10 working days.
If the required capacity of the connection is 1MVA or more, it will provide the budget estimate within 20 working days.
If your distribution company fails, it will pay you £65.
Provision of Quotations
If you ask your distribution company for a quotation (i.e. a formal offer of terms) for a connection, it will provide this within the following timescales from when you have given it all the information that it needs and paid it any applicable fees.If it fails it will pay you a fixed amount for each working day it is late.
Type of Connection | Demand Timescale | Generation Timescale | Late payment per working day |
Single LV service demand connection or service alteration (including work associated with moving a meter) | 5 working days | - | £15 |
Small project demand connection (domestic developments of 2 – 4 units requiring no LV network extension; or domestic developments of 1 – 4 units requiring LV network extension; or single premises of any kind requiring 2 or 3 phase connections requiring no LV network extension, in all cases involving LV only and whole-current metering) | 15 working days | - | £15 |
Other LV connections with LV works | 25 working days | 45 working days | £65 |
Connections involving HV works | 35 working days | 65 working days | £135 |
Connections involving EHV works | 65 working days | 65 working days | £200 |
Quotation Accuracy Scheme
This only applies to customers asking for a quotation for a single LV service demand connection or for small-project demand connections.
Customers have the right to challenge the accuracy of their quotation under the Quotation Accuracy Scheme. If the quotation is found to be inaccurate or incomplete, your distribution company will make a fixed payment. It will provide you with a correct quotation and also refund you the amount of any overpayment you have made. If it has undercharged you, it will require you to repay the additional amount.
Type of Connection | Payment |
Single LV service demand connection or alteration (including work associated with moving a meter) | £335 |
Small-project demand connection (domestic developments of 2 – 4 units requiring no LV network extension; or domestic developments of 1 – 4 units requiring LV network extension; or single premises of any kind requiring 2- or 3-phase connections requiring no LV extension, in all cases involving LV only and whole-current metering) | £670 |
Making Contact to Schedule Work and Completing Work for Single LV Service and Small LV Projects demand connections
Once your distribution company has received written acceptance of our quotation and you have paid any required amount quoted, it will contact you within 7 working days to discuss dates for carrying out the works. It may not always be possible to agree a date when it contacts you initially, for example, if wayleaves or other consents are required. Please note: works associated with moving meters are not covered by this standard.If your distribution company fails to contact you, we will pay you £15 for each working day it is late.Once a date is agreed to complete the works (or a phase of works specified in the quotation), this may be varied at the customer’s request or agreement or as notified by your distribution company (for example if severe weather causes us to postpone planned works, if there are delays in obtaining wayleaves or other consents, or if prerequisite works have not been completed). It will complete the works on the agreed date.If your distribution company fails, it will pay you £35 for each working day it is late.
Making Contact to Schedule Work and Commencing and Completing Work for all Other LV Connections, HV and EHV Connections
Once your distribution company has received written acceptance of our quotation and you have paid the full amount quoted (or an amount for phases specified in the quotation), it will contact you to arrange to discuss dates to carry out the work. It may not always be possible to agree dates when it contacts you initially, for example, if wayleaves or other consents are required.If your distribution company fails to contact you, it will pay you a fixed amount for each working day it is late.
Type of Connection | Timescale to make contact | Late payment per working day |
Other LV connections with LV works | 7 working days | £65 |
Connections involving HV works | 10 working days | £135 |
Connections involving EHV works | 15 working days | £200 |
Your distribution company will agree dates to commence the works, complete the works (or a phase of works specified in the quotation) and if required energise the supply. These dates may be varied at the customer’s request or agreement or as notified by it (for example if severe weather causes it to postpone planned works, if there are delays in obtaining wayleave consents, or if it is unable to undertake live working on its system for safety reasons or prerequisite works have not been completed). Your distribution company will commence on-site work, complete the on-site works, and energise if required, on the agreed dates.If your distribution company fails to meet an agreed date it will pay you a fixed amount for each working day it is late.
Type of Connection | Late payment per working day for commencing work | Late payment per working day for completing work | Late payment per working day for energising where required |
Other LV connections with LV works | £25 | £135 | £135 |
Connections involving HV works | £25 | £200 | £200 |
Connections involving EHV works | £25 | £270 | £270 |
Notification of Payment under Guaranteed Standards
If we fail to meet any of the standards we will make your payment by electronic transmission or as a credit to your connection invoice, within 10 working days of the failure (for budget estimates), within 10 working days of a quotation being found to be incomplete or inaccurate (for the quotation accuracy scheme) and within 10 working days of completion of the job (for all the other standards covered by this document).If we fail to make the payment within the above timescales we will send you an additional £65.In line with Section 39A(5) of the Electricity Act 1989, any guaranteed standard payments you receive will not prejudice your entitlement to any other remedy or action that may be open to you because of your distributor’s failure.
Contacting your Electricity Distributor
For further information about any of the guaranteed standards, or if you would like to enquire about a service provided by your distribution company, please telephone it on the number below. If you are unsure of who your distributor is, please look on your electricity bill.Please note if you ring or email your distribution company outside normal working hours, it will treat this as having been received at the start of business on the next working day.
Codes of Practice
Electricity distributors have statements that describe services available to customers. These might include services for customers who are blind, deaf or hearing impaired, for customers who depend on electricity for health reasons and for customers who require a password during appointments for extra security. A copy of our statements is available free of charge from your distribution company or can be downloaded from its website.
If you have a complaint about any aspect of your distribution company’s service, please let it know. You will find its complaints-handling procedure on its website or you can ring the general enquiry line to request a copy. If it’s unable to resolve the matter with you, you can refer it to the Energy Ombudsman: Energy. This is a free and independent dispute-resolution service and is able to offer free independent advice and will look at your complaint, but we will expect you to let your distribution company try to sort it out first. You can telephone the Energy Ombudsman: Energy on 0330 440 1624. You can find further information on the Energy Ombudsman website:
Company | Area | Connections Enquiries (Mon-Fri) (unless otherwise stated) | Customer Relations No. (Mon-Fri) | Website Address |
Western Power Distribution East Midlands: | East Midlands | 0845 7240240 (09:00 to 17:00) | 0800 096 3080 09:00 to 17:00 | |
Western Power Distribution West Midlands | West Midlands | 0845 7240240 (09:00 to 17:00) | 0800 096 3080 09:00 to 17:00 | |
Western Power Distribution South Wales | South & West Wales | 0845 601 3341 (09:00 to 17:00) | 0800 096 3080 09:00 to 17:00 | |
Western Power Distribution South West | South West England | 0845 601 2989 (09:00 to 17:00) | 0800 096 3080 09:00 to 17:00 | |
UK Power Networks − Eastern Power Networks plc | East Anglia | 0845 234 0040 (08:30 to 18:00) | 0800 028 4587 (08:30 to17:00) | |
UK Power Networks − London Power Networks plc | London | 0845 234 0040 (08:30 to 18:00) | 0800 028 4587 (08:30 to 17:00) | |
UK Power Networks − South Eastern Power Networks plc | South East England | 0845 234 0040 (08:30 to 18:00) | 0800 028 4587 (08:30 to 17:00) | |
Northern Powergrid (Northeast) Ltd | The Northeast & most of North Yorkshire | 08450 702 703 (08:00 to 20.00) Sat: 09:00 to 17:00 | 0800 781 8848 (09:00 to 17:00) | |
Northern Powergrid (Yorkshire) plc | West, South & East Yorkshire & northern Lincolnshire | 08450 702 703 (08:00 to 20.00) Sat: 09:00 to 17:00 | 0800 781 8848 (09:00 to 17:00) | |
Scottish Hydro Electric Power Distribution | North Scotland | 08000 483 515 (08:00 to 17:00 Sat: 08:00-14:00) | 0800 9801 395 Mon-Fri 08:00 to 20:00 Saturday 08:00 to 17:00 | |
Southern Electric Power Distribution | South England | 08000 483 516 (08.00 to 17.00 Sat: 08:00-14:00) | 0800 9801 395 Mon-Fri 08:00 to 20:00 Saturday 08:00 to 17:00 | |
SP Energy Networks | Central & Southern Scotland | 0845 270 0785 (08:30 to 16:45) | 0330 1010 444 | |
SP Energy Networks | Merseyside, Cheshire & North Wales | 0845 270 0783 (08:30 to 16:45) | 0330 1010 444 | |
Electricity North West | North West England | 0800 048 1820 (Mon – Thur 08.00 to 17.00 Fri 08.00 to 16.30) | 0800 048 1820 (Mon – Fri 08.30 to 19.00 Sat 09.00 to 14.00) | |
WPD South Wales | South & West Wales | 0845 601 3341 (08:00 to 18:00) | 0800 055 6833 (08:30-17:00) | |
WPD South West | South West England | 0845 601 2989 (08:00 to 18:00) | 0800 055 6833 (08:30-17:00) | |
Electricity Network Co Ltd | UK | 0135 924 3311 (08:30 to 17:00) | 0135 924 3311 | |
ESP Electricity Ltd | Great Britain | 0137 222 7560 (08.00 - 18.00) | 0137 222 7560 (08.00 - 18.00) | |
Independent Power Networks Ltd | Great Britain | 0845 055 6199 (Mon - Thurs: 08:30 to 17:00 Fri 08:30 to 16:30) | 0845 055 6199 (Mon - Thurs: 08:30 to 17:00 Fri 08:30 to 16:30) | |
Energetics Electricity Ltd | Great Britain | 0169 840 4640 (08:30-16:45) | 01698 404640 (08:30-16:45) | |
Peel Electricity Networks Ltd | North West | 08451 226 786 (Mon-Fri) | ||
Harlaxton Energy Networks Ltd | Great Britain | 0844 800 1813 |
Customer standards of performance for gas transporters
Gas transporters (GT) own the network of pipes that supply gas to your property. We work with them to ensure you receive a constant, uninterrupted supply of gas. As they’re responsible for maintaining the network – and therefore the continuity of supply – they’re required by the government to deliver certain standards of service.All gas transporters in Britain must adhere to the guaranteed standards of service set out by Ofgem, the government regulator for the gas and electricity markets. These standards help to ensure that you are treated fairly and that you receive the right level of service.The standards cover:
Restoration of supply;
Reinstatement after work at your premises;
Providing alternative heating and cooking facilities for priority domestic customers;
Responding to complaints;
Notifying you of planned work where there’s an interruption of your gas supply;
Connection services.
You may be entitled to compensation if your gas transporter fails to meet any of these standards.
This document includes information on your gas transporter’s standards of performance and the compensation payments you’re entitled to if they failed to meet these standards.
As well as these guaranteed standards, Ofgem sets Licence Conditions of the minimum service standards that gas transporters must meet. For example, a gas transporter is measured in its response to telephone calls made to the National Gas Emergency Service and the time it takes to respond to gas emergencies.
Some terms explained
Domestic customer | A customer whose gas supply is taken wholly or mainly for domestic purposes. |
Non-Domestic customer | A customer whose gas supply is taken wholly or mainly for non-domestic purposes. |
Priority customer | A domestic customer who has been identified to us by a registered gas supplier in accordance with their licence conditions, as having special needs. If you think you should be on this list please contact your gas supplier. |
Controlled gas escape | Where the person reporting the escape, or someone on their behalf, has taken all the actions advised by the emergency call centre agent and can no longer smell gas. |
Uncontrolled gas escape | Where the person reporting the escape, or someone on their behalf, has taken all the actions advised by the emergency call centre agent and can still smell gas. |
Payment of Guaranteed Standards Payments
In most cases, compensation payments for failure to meet Ofgem’s guaranteed standards are paid automatically. But some standards require you to make a compensation claim should your gas transporter fail to meet them. These standards are shown below:
Guaranteed Standard | Standard Description | Compensation for failure |
GS1. Supply restoration | If you are a domestic customer and your gas supply is interrupted as a result of a failure, fault or damage to your GT’s pipeline system you will be reconnected/gas will be available at your property within 24 hours. | If the GT fails you will receive a payment of £30 if you are a domestic customer, and £30 for each additional complete 24 hours you are without gas up to a maximum of £1000. If you are a non-domestic customer, (and your annual gas consumption does not exceed 73,200kWh) the payment will be £50 for the failure and £50 for each additional complete 24 hours you are without gas up to a maximum of £1000. |
Note for GS1: If you are a non-domestic customer and your annual gas consumption exceeds the 73,200kWh threshold, you are entitled to similar payments to GS1 but under alternative arrangements. | ||
GS2. Reinstatement of customer’s premises | If the GT initiates work on your premises, your premises will be permanently re-instated within 5 working days of the completion of the engineering work. | If the GT fails you will receive a payment of £50 if you are a domestic customer, and £50 for each succeeding period of 5 working days thereafter. If you are a non-domestic customer the payment will be £100 for the failure and £100 for each succeeding period of 5 working days thereafter. |
GS3. Heating and cooking facilities for priority domestic customers | If you are registered on your supplier’s Priority Service Register and your gas supply is interrupted, you will be provided with alternative heating and cooking facilities within 4 hours, or if more than 250 customers are affected, within 8 hours. (8pm-8am excluded). NOTE – this standard must be claimed within 3 months of failure | If the GT fails and you inform them of their failure within 3 months of the interruption you will receive a payment of £24. |
GS13. Notification in advance of planned supply interruptions | When the GT carries out planned work to replace pipes or maintain the integrity of the gas system, they may need to interrupt your gas supply, If so, your GT will inform you of the date they expect to interrupt you and the reason why your supply needs to be interrupted, at least 5 working days before the interruption occurs. NOTE – this standard must be claimed within 3 months of failure | If the GT fails and you inform them of their failure within 3 months of the interruption you will receive a payment of £20 if you are a domestic customer and £50 if you are a non-domestic customer. |
GS14. Responding to Complaints | If you complain to a GT in writing or over the telephone, the GT will respond substantively to your complaint within 10 working days of receiving your complaint. However if a visit to your premises or additional information from a 3rd party is required to enable resolution of the complaint, the GT will issue an initial written response within 10 working days of receiving your complaint to explain this situation and will then respond substantively within 20 working days from receipt of the complaint. | If the GT fails you will receive a payment of £20 and £20 for each succeeding period of 5 working days thereafter, up to a maximum of £100 If the 20 day extension has been applied and the GT fails to meet it, you will receive the compensation amount. |
Guaranteed Standards for Connections
In the following tables you’ll find the guaranteed standards for new connections and service alterations. As well as these standards, your gas transporter is required to meet Ofgem’s Licence Conditions – under Standard Special Condition D10 of their Licence – in 90% of cases.
Guaranteed Standard | Standard Description | Compensation for failure |
GS5 GS4. Provision of standard quotations (up to 275kWh) | If you request a standard quotation from your GT for a new connection or an alteration to an existing connection up to and including a rate of flow of 275kWh, the GT will issue it within 6 working days. | If the GT fails, you will receive a payment of £10 and an additional £10 for each succeeding working day up to the quotation sum or £250 whichever is lowest. |
GS6 Provision of non-standard quotations (up to 275kWh) | If you request a non-standard quotation from your GT for a new connection or an alteration to an existing connection up to and including a rate of flow of 275kWh, the GT will issue it within 11 working. | If the GT fails you will receive a payment of £10 and an additional £10 for each succeeding working day up to the quotation sum or £250 whichever is lowest. |
GS7 Provision of non- standard quotations (greater than 275kWh) | If you request a non-standard quotation from your GT for a new connection or an alteration to an existing connection exceeding a rate of flow of 275kWh, the GT will issue it within 21 working days. | If the GT fails, you will receive a payment of £20 and an additional £20 for each succeeding working day up to the quotation sum or £500 whichever is lowest. |
Note for GS4, GS5 & GS6: these standards do not apply where the information you provided to your GT was incorrect or incomplete or where consents are required from third parties. | ||
GS8 Accuracy of quotations | If the quotation is found to be inaccurate in accordance with the GTs published accuracy scheme, the GT will reissue you with a correct quotation and any overcharge paid will be refunded. You can contact your GT on the details provided for further information on their accuracy scheme. | If the quotation is found to be inaccurate in accordance with the GTs published accuracy scheme then you will be entitled to payment(s) under GS4, GS5 or GS6 until an accurate quote is issued. |
GS9 Responses to land enquiries | If you ask for a Land Enquiry from your GT in relation to a new connection or an alteration to an existing connection the GT will issue a response within 5 working days. | If the GT fails you will receive a payment of £40 and an additional £40 per working day thereafter up to a maximum of £250 for connections up to and including 275kWh and £500 for connections exceeding 275kWh. |
GS9 Provision of commencement & substantial completion dates (up to 275kWh) | If the GT receives an accepted quotation for a new connection or an alteration to an existing connection up to and including a rate of flow of 275kWh, it will offer a planned date within 20 working days for commencement and substantial completion of this work | If the GT fails, you will receive a payment of £20 and an additional £20 per working day thereafter up to the quotation sum or £250 whichever is lowest. |
GS10 Provision of commencement & substantial completion dates (greater than 275kWh) | Where the GT has agreed a substantial completion date for a new connection or an alteration to an existing connection it will meet that date. However, this does not necessarily mean that gas will be available for use inside the premises as the fitting of a meter, which will enable the flow of gas, must be arranged by you and your chosen gas supplier. | If the GT fails, you will receive a payment related to the value of the contract and a payment for each working day thereafter up to a maximum level. Your contract will be allocated to one category of the table below and payments will be made in line with that category up to the relevant cap. |
Contract Value | Payment | Cap |
Up to & incl. £1k | £20 | The lesser of £200 or the contract sum |
Up to & incl. £4k | Lesser of £100 or 2.5% of contract sum | 25% of the contract sum |
Up to & incl. £20k | £100 | 25% of the contract sum |
Up to & incl. £50k | £100 | £5k |
Up to & incl. £100k | £150 | £9k |
Note: for GS9, GS10 & GS11 these standards do not apply where you have specifically asked your GT to delay the work.
Guaranteed Standard | Standard Description | Compensation for failure |
GS12 Notification and payments under the Guaranteed Standards. | Where a GT has failed any of the above Guaranteed Standards or the Connections Guaranteed Standards they will write to inform you (or your supplier) and make the payment within 20 working days of compensation becoming due. | If the GT fails to contact you and make required payment in time you will receive a payment of £20 in addition to any payments made under the other Guaranteed Standards. |
For failures under GS1, GS2, GS3, GS13, GS14 and GS12 payment(s) will be made either directly to you or via your gas supplier who is obliged to forward this payment to you. For failures under GS4-GS11 the payment(s) will be made directly to you.
Exclusions to Guaranteed Standards
Please note: there are certain exclusions, agreed by Ofgem, where the guaranteed standards in the previous tables may not apply.These exclusions include events beyond the gas transporter’s control – such as severe weather, industrial action, damage cause by the customer, actions by third parties, legislative constraints – and labour disputes.
The standards may also not apply if the gas transporter is unable to gain access to your premises or can’t complete work for safety reasons.If your gas transporter invokes any of these exclusions, they’ll need to demonstrate that they’ve taken all reasonable steps to meet the standard.
Licence Conditions
All gas transporters listed in this document must meet the standards set out in Ofgem’s Licence Conditions on an annual basis. As well as meeting the 90% standard for connections work, they must meet the Licence Conditions described in the following table:
Licence Condition | Definition | Annual Target |
Standard Special Condition D10 – Quality of service standards. Paragraph 2(f) – Responding to telephone calls | Telephone calls to the National Gas Emergency Service (which operates 24 hours a day), the general enquiry line and the meter point reference number helpline (during the hours which they operate) shall be answered within 30 seconds of the call being connected. | 90% |
Standard Special Condition D10 – Quality of service standards Paragraph 2(g) – Responding to gas emergencies | Where a GT receives a report of a gas escape or other gas emergency, including a significant escape of carbon monoxide or other hazardous situations, it shall attend as quickly as possible within the following timescales: (a) All uncontrolled escapes/gas emergencies within 1 hour. (b) All controlled escapes/gas emergencies within 2 hours. | 97% 97% |
You can find the actual performances of each gas transporter for the period 1 April 2015 to 31 March 2016 in the table below:

Other services provided by gas transporters
For priority and vulnerable customers, gas transporters provide various extra services which must comply with certain requirements. Gas transporters will have a procedure in place for handling customer complaints. Statements describing extra services for priority and vulnerable customers are produced by each gas transporter – and are available free of charge. Simply call your gas transporter on the number below or download a copy from their website.

365 days a year, 24 hours a day
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Call free on 0800 111 999* (Minicom 0800 371787)*All calls are recorded and may be monitored for training purposes