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Sainsbury's energy provider

Ability to pay energy bills

Having trouble paying your account with Sainsbury’s Energy?

First things first - please get in touch with us. We can discuss payment options, plans and resources available to help you. It’s far better for both of us, for you to engage with us early.

So, give us a call. Or, if it’s easier, we’re only one email away.

Sainsbury’s Energy aims to be a responsible merchant - this means that we will intervene early and with sensitivity where we are concerned that our customers may be unable to pay their energy account in full - we do this so we are able to discuss help and options.

Our goal is to help customers manage their budget, make responsible choices and take practical steps to ensure things don’t get worse.

Options to help you include:

  • Short term deferment of payment (a payment holiday);

  • A debt repayment plan;

  • Agreement to regular instalments when you owe us money;

When discussing any of the above options, Sainsbury’s Energy will take into account the affordability of any option, ensuring any payment for both debt and ongoing supply is manageable.

External sources of support

You may also be able to get support and advice from other sources such as:

Sainsbury's Energy is a trading name used under license by E.ON Next Energy Limited. Registered office: Westwood Way, Westwood Business Park, Coventry CV4 8LG. Registered in England and Wales, No 03782443.

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